2010 Christmas Letter filled with family re-unions and my first book

12 Feb

Working through the family letters has brought me to another year filled with Joy and Family.  Goode-Stock at Custer State Park, a trip up above Yellowstone to Hell’s A Roarin outfitters, a family re-union with Austin and his Birth Family. Lots of Family re-unions this year

Wedding Day
Greg, Vince, Marcy, Dixie, Austin, Emerson
The Crescent City, Goode family
Vince & Marcy
Emerson and Grandpa Harvey

Merry Christmas and Happy 2011 to you

 from Dixie and Greg, Austin and Emerson




Raft Ride at Cody Wyoming
Christmas 2010
My Family at Vince’s wedding


Lance at Hell’s A Roarin’ Outfitters
Pahaska teepee
Austin gets my Dad’s Truck
In Fern Canyon
My Boys
Vince and Marcy’s wedding


Hello again, 

     The year has once again flown by and left me wondering where it went.  Sometimes I think that I could just copy the letter from last year, because we keep plodding along in the same yearly routines – but I like that.  This year, I feel the end of those routines following my every footstep as I realize that my baby boys have turned into young men, and the time when we have two children at home is slipping away so fast as to be already gone.

     Austin is going to turn 18 at the end of March, and Emerson will be 17 just a couple weeks after that.  By June 2012 we will be done with the High School Days.  Except for Greg who is in his fifth year teaching High School Band and Choir across the border in Brookings, Oregon.


Austin with his birth family

The highlights of our year were mainly about family.  The first really exciting one happened on March 29, Austin’s 17th birthday, when he flew to Nebraska to meet his birth Mom, her husband, his sister, and three younger 1/2 sisters.  They have always been in touch, but this was the first time, since he was a month old, that they have been able to hold each other.  We have been so lucky to share him with another family who loves him as we do.

         The next major event was that Emerson started driving and his Grandma Mimi  gave him her car, and now I have even more reason to worry.  Honestly, The person who said that deciding to have children meant deciding to always have your heart running around outside your body, had it right.

     In May, Greg and I celebrated our 26th anniversary, Austin started working at Burger king and Emerson earned an academic Letter at del Norte high school.

     June was a happy month.  Three years after we lost Greg’s big sister April, her husband Vince remarried.  The wedding was a delightful celebration, with a few intense tea filled moments of bitter-sweet memories.  We love April still, but Marcy is a wonderful new member of our family, and it is great to see Vince so happy again.

     Then we drove back to Wyoming to celebrate Mimi and Harvey’s 60th anniversary with a family reunion in Custer State Park.  That was a great visit, followed by a visit to Cody to see Grandma Priscilla and Uncle Lance where she gave Austin my dad’s old Ford truck.

     Everyone managed to get together, except we didn’t see my brother Brett and his kids, or our nephew Cody’s children.  Mom and Lance did get back to see Brett and family at the start of December. Greg and I rented our favorite Gold Beach Cabin for Thanksgiving and our nephew Connor, and Vince and Marcy came there to join us.

     My other news, is I finally managed to publish one of the many writing projects that I have always been working on.  My fantasy novel, with a 9 year old boy with cerebral palsy as the main character, goes from a school shooting to a life changing journey to another world.  Duffy Barkley is Not a Dog, can be ordered by any bookstore or library, and is available on Amazon.com.

Duffy Barkley is Not a Dog

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